65 Quotes About Sara-baume


"You can't dance to paintings. This is something Ben said, during one of our White Cube conversations, back when I was still wrong about him. He said it even though, at the time, he was desperately trying to be a painter. He said it because it was true and not because it was something either of us wanted to hear."


"I've always longed to have a patch of personal wilderness. Of waist-high grass entwined with wildflowers through which I can prance; within which I can lie down and disappear from sight."


"I don't want to say hello, nor do I want him to know that I've seen him and failed to say hello."


"And I felt like such a failure. I thought: I can't even do mental illness properly."


"Everything is very nearly over. And so none of the normal rules of behavior apply. And so none of my actions can have consequences."


"The director of the Road Safety Authority comes on the radio to tell me that today is the day of the year upon which more people die in car accidents than on any other, as though if he tells me this I might postpone the car accident I had scheduled; I might remember not to be so common, so vulgar, as to die today."


"Though I am naturally curious about people, I'm also naturally uneasy when they are right in front of me; when I am right in front of them."


"I tried to think of a vice I want to sacrifice, and ended up reasoning that I need my bad habits, desperately, just to coax myself through each day."


"At first I wonder if they are brothers; now I remember to wonder if they are robbers or rapists or murderers who've hired suits and photocopied leaflets in a cunning ploy to insinuate themselves into the quiet bungalows of defenceless strangers on hills in middles-of-nowhere, and I realise it would be very stupid to invite them in so they can see for themselves there's no garda here."
