204 Quotes About Savvy-turtle

  • Author James D Wilson
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    Staying true to myself while remaining humble and always become a better version of myself each day no matter what is the recipe that has kept me grounded throughout my life including the most intense life battles and challenges, we face at one time or another in life

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  • Author James D Wilson
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    My secret pet peeve is my frustration first for all those that fought for our freedom to come back and receive full health insurance but no actual health care and second that unlike the old days pre Obama care when I bought all of Savvy Turtle employees full medical, dental and eye care and handed it to them as a bonus each month to include paying for mine where I could go get what I need and skip the nothing burger red tape of government to post Obama care where all that is nonexistent

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  • Author James D Wilson
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    I don’t get political with anyone just pointing out that the government in general excuse my French has screwed up health care so bad that it does not matter how successful you become in life you still have to wait on a list and can no longer go around the Government whether you are a Veteran, a successful person or a successful Veteran all of us are in the same boat and we all are heading for the socialist Veterans Administration plan for the whole world to be in

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  • Author James D Wilson
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    Pass a law to place all of Congress, Government employees and Bureaucrats into the same socialist health care plan with the American people and see how long socialist health care lasts in America as it’s fine to do it to your own people but once you receive the same porridge as the people you serve you no longer want the bill you passed into law

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  • Author James D Wilson
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    We all equally are availed the gift of being and doing anything we want or can dream of being or doing however it is of no accident or mistake why the majority of successful people came from poverty, severe accidents, born with ailments and such as we were taught early on that there is no such thing as self-pity

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