204 Quotes About Savvy-turtle
"You can't instantly reap what you sow today, it does not work like instant grits, no matter what you sow in life it takes time to grow and be ready for harvest"
"Sowing seeds in all areas of your life is an ongoing never-ending process sow seeds every day and sow twice as much seeds during your seasons of harvest"
"Keep in mind that three months worth of sowing equals three months of reaping at harvest, Remember not to stop sowing your fields in all ways in life after the first three months as its easy to feel good and live off of the fields already sowed but like a meat grinder the stock will eventually run out"
"It Doesn’t take much to look around and see all the blessings in your life"
"I think practice what you preach is a half-baked cop out as you need to do more than practice as only when you do will you have the right to preach it"
"No matter what political party you are with we all should not take politics with us everywhere we go making everything in life politically charged, We all need to take the politics everywhere idea and throw it so far down in the ocean that not even Jacques Cousteau will be able to find it"
"I always plan for longterm, life to me is a never ending chess match"
"Not everyone can sit down in the middle of chaos and take all the pain it brings and wait patiently for the turnover to arrive"
"Initiate a proper handshake and the whole world opens up for you. – James D. Wilson"