204 Quotes About Savvy-turtle
"The processors in my mind are faster than most computers"
"Quality, uniqueness and one of a kind art sometimes takes a little more time and can't be rushed"
"Master your mind and you will master your life"
"Master your mind and you will master your life opening it up to endless journeys to conquer"
"You cannot recreate hardships and can only live through them and draw strength from the experience's life intended for your training"
"Its always after the fact with anything when people want to invest and is those who can see who always beats them to it"
"Anyone can take anything and make it bigger, the only thing that matters is knowing the person intimately that you are talking to"
"Even God rolls the dice and allows stuff to happen both good and not so good as it may seem to us at the time but we are unable to see the bigger and complete picture like God can"
"Failure is a pre requisite to success you cannot be successful for the long haul if you bypass the failure requirement"