274 Quotes About Scarlett-johansson

  • Author Sami Abouzid
  • Quote

    Le bon amour va mal, pourquoi? Parce que tout ce qui est grand dans ce monde ne durera pas éternellement Girl et nous prenons toujours le vrai et le bon amour pour acquis

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  • Author Sami Abouzid
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    Es fácil decirlo que hacerlo, es fácil hacer promesas y nunca cumplirlas, es fácil irse sin despedirse, pero lo realmente triste es romper el corazón que alguna vez te amó

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  • Author Sami Abouzid
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    It’s easy said than done, it’s easy to make promises and never fulfill them, it’s easy to leave without goodbye, but what’s really sad is breaking the heart that ever loved you”― Sami Abouzid

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  • Author Sami Abouzid
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    È facile a dirsi che a farsi, è facile fare promesse e non mantenerle mai, è facile andarsene senza salutare, ma ciò che è veramente triste è spezzare il cuore che una volta ti amava

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  • Author Sami Abouzid
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    C'est facile à dire qu'à faire, c'est facile de faire des promesses et de ne jamais les tenir, c'est facile de partir sans dire au revoir, mais ce qui est vraiment triste, c'est de briser le cœur qui t'aimait autrefois

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  • Author Sami Abouzid
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    When a woman loves a man she sees the world through his eyes .when a man loves a woman he believes that the world starts and ends in her eyes so she becomes he world . And when a woman and a man love each other-truly and sincerely their life becomes pretty and precious

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  • Author Sami Abouzid
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    When a woman loves a man she sees the world through his eyes .when a man loves a woman he believes that the world starts and ends in her eyes so she becomes his world . And when a woman and a man love each other-truly and sincerely their life becomes pretty and precious

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  • Author Sami Abouzid
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    I'm a true artist I created music that will last forever , I taught my self all I need to know about music and now I have my own music Genre and in love with you

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