46 Quotes About Scenery

  • Author Misty Hayes
  • Quote

    The closest I'd ever gotten was a trip with Mom and Dad to Austin, Texas, through hill country: gently curving roads dissected by giant oaks, rolling rivers, and fields of bluebonnets so bountiful you'd think you'd stepped right into the heart of the ocean.

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  • Author C.E. Clayton
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    Euria was like most of the sprawling metropolises in Erhard: tall skyscrapers that didn’t so much kiss the sky as ram their fist through it, their shadows casting a perpetual false night across the ground where the unfortunate dwelled.

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  • Author Hope Mirrlees
  • Quote

    Lud-in-the-Mist had all the things that make an old town pleasant. It had an ancient Guild Hall, built of mellow golden bricks and covered with ivy and, when the sun shone on it, it looked like a rotten apricot; it had a harbour in which rode vessels with white and red tawny sails; it had flat brick houses - not the mere carapace of human beings, but ancient living creatures, renewing and modifying themselves with each generation under their changeless antique roofs.

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  • Author J.T. McGowan
  • Quote

    Then the wind died down and the air grew warm and the flies awoke and started to drone, and they were a constant background hum, like ocean waves, rushing and ebbing and flowing, loud enough to hear through closed windows, and in great numbers, floods of flies, a communal purr, never just a single buzz.

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  • Author Hannah Richell
  • Quote

    The scrubbed oak table and the pots of herbs and geraniums growing on the windowsill, the old willow-pattern china standing on the dresser, a jug filled with peonies spilling petals on the floor.

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