373 Quotes About Seeing

  • Author Kate A. Boorman
  • Quote

    You know the saying 'seeing is believing'? It's a problem, when you think about it. I mean, it's reasonable for people to want proof before they accept something they've been told. I do. I'm a fan of logic and demonstrable facts. But the idea inherent: that you can believe what you see? That's majorly flawed, because people usually have no clue what they're looking at.

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  • Author Soetsu Yanagi
  • Quote

    What is the proper way of seeing? In brief, it is to see things as they are. However, very few people possess this purity of sight. That is, such people are not seeing things as they are, but are influenced by preconceptions. 'Knowing' has been added to 'seeing'.

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