28 Quotes About Self-destructive-behavior
"A person who finds grace never lacks the courage to endure, remain resolute in principles and action in the face of an easy collapse into anger, insanity, and self-destruction when living in an increasing chaotic world filled with armed conflict, terrorism, and cultural discord."
"Unspeakable feelings need to find expression in words. However... verbalization of very intense feelings may be a difficult task."
"The incest victim's need for self-punishment often leads her into self-abusive behaviors like alcoholism, drug abuse, or prostitution."
"The seeds of our own destruction are often sown at birth or in childhood. We are too busy acquiring knowledge and living life to notice their presence. It is for our biographers, if we are of sufficient importance to have any, to highlight them to a post-mortem audience."
"The glorification of hatred is predicated on a foundation of fear-induced ignorance venomous to haters and those they believe they hate."
"The worrying thing is that he was well aware of his slide, but didn't seem to want — or be able — to do anything to help it."
"I was more addicted to self destruction then to the drugs themselves ... something very romantic about it"
"Direct lies, small lies, huge lies, and lies of omission… these are all self-serving and sources of self-destruction."
"Good wins in the end because evil is a self-destructive, cannibalistic force that Inevitably engorges upon itself."