852 Quotes About Self-discovery
- Author Henry Handel Richardson
She could not then know that, even for the squarest peg, the right hole may ultimately be found
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- Author Lebo Grand
The pursuit of sensuality creates an opportunity for self-actualization, which is the complete realization of one’s potential, and the full development of one’s abilities and appreciation for life.
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- Author C. JoyBell C.
I've seen so much written and spoken on wanting to be kinder, wanting to be smarter, the struggle to be more patient, more compassionate. But I just want tenderness. I want to be tender-hearted and that really is all.
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- Author Denise Svajlenko
Everyone has a story and it is the sharing of our stories and our truths that unites us. Books are important because they comfort, inspire, heal, excite and reveal to us who we really are and how to be our true selves.
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- Author Mhairi McFarlane
The moment where you consider giving in, or do give in, that's the moment you torture yourself about for the rest of your life. That's the moment where you think it happened to you because you are a bad and weak person, who wanted it really. When in fact, it's about survival. And whichever choice you make, it wasn't really a choice at all.
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- Author Marty Rubin
We only enter paradise through a door we open for ourselves.
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- Author Darius Grant
Human beings are not perfect creatures, but their constant strives to better themselves with each step makes humanity in itself a perfect situation, and that is the beauty of life
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- Author Emmanuel Carrère
La maladie, l'approche terrifiante de la mort lui ont appris qui il était, et savoir qui on est — Étienne dirait plutôt : où on est —, cela s'appelle être guéri de la névrose.
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- Author Rachel McMillan
Sometimes we open the next chapter in our life’s book and find ourselves on the other side of the world. But sometimes the next chapter allows us the gift of turning back a few pages and rediscovering something new in the words of our life. It requires only an adventurous spirit and an openness to revisit the places that inform who we are today.
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