105 Quotes About Selfhelp
- Author Derek Rydall
A lie believed acts as truth until it is neutralized.” The false beliefs you hold about your life become the personal laws of your life, holding you prisoner until you break your agreement with them.
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- Author Derek Rydall
44. What do you care about deeply? What would you dedicate your life to if you could? What would you die for? What we feel strongest about, what we tend to argue, defend, or fight for — all of these are indications of our purpose, our message, and our talent. The things that move us to our core — the things that make us angry, sad, or elated — contain clues to what we’ll find the most joy, fulfillment, and true success expressing in our work.
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- Author Derek Rydall
Just as the acorn contains the mighty oak tree, the Self has everything it needs to fulfill its destiny. When the inner conditions are right, it naturally emerges.
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- Author Robin Sharma
common sense is no t always common
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- Author Derek Rydall
I know I've said this before, but itcan't be said enough -- you reallymatter. Not just to me, but to thisplanet at this time.Don't ever forget that. As you do theinner work and have breakthroughs,you are literally changing humanconsciousness -- it's all connected.Every time you have an ‘Ah-Ha’ or growthrough something and are lifted, youare lifting someone somewhere in theworld -- or many people. Not tomention those closest to you.You really are God's gift to the world.Stay Inspired, Derek
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- Author Derek Rydall
We can’t heal what we don’t feel. We can’t have a future until we fully inhabit our present. It’s like the proverbial Groundhog Day. Most people don’t live 70-90 years; they live the same year 70-90 times because they keep regurgitating an incomplete present.
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- Author Derek Rydall
A vision without a plan is fantasy. A plan without a vision is mediocrity. Believing 'God will do it for you' is magical thinking. Believing you can do it yourself is the ultimate arrogance. Plan your life as if you're doing the work -- but live your life as if God is.
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- Author Derek Rydall
In this age of quick fixes and microwave mindsets, most of us want what we want, and we want it right now, whether it is instant download speed, instant riches, or an Oompa-Loompa, but just as you can’t force the farm to produce a harvest, you can’t force your seed of potential to grow until it is ripe and ready.
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- Author Derek Rydall
As you become more rooted inside -- as you drink from this silent stream of life that runs beneath the surface of everything -- as you live from that depth of your own being more and more, then you’ll be able to rise taller and stronger in this world; more than you may have ever thought possible.
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