105 Quotes About Selfhelp
- Author Ingrid Divković
Dom.Mjesto odakle počinju tvoji snovi, tvoje težnje, tvoj život."Knjiga za Divlju ženu
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- Author Korel Eraybar
I don’t stay together with people who say “Life is short”, “Life is ridiculos”. Because those are the ones who are not able to live. I enjoy the company of people who love life and manage to live.
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- Author Korel Eraybar
I wanted to evaluate my own escape from the crowds in 5 different stages so that I could clarify my thoughts and help my readers get more benefits.(1) Getting away from the media(2) Getting away from the big city(3) Going to nature as a life style(4) Getting away from the social media(5) Being only with people I want
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- Author Korel Eraybar
I'm not constantly looking for the "right" in my thoughts. I am, actually, scared of absolute “rights”. Therefore, I don't think my book will appeal to people who seek concrete formulas from me to be happy and who have designed their lives mechanically. But I do believe my book can give something to people who live their lives going from information to information like a bee, who depend on their own syntheses as the outcomes and have flexible thought, and who could be an "individual".
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- Author Derek Rydall
We are what we eat — not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.
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- Author Derek Rydall
We didn’t come to earth to get anything. We came to awaken our full potential and infuse this dimension with divine light.
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- Author Derek Rydall
What you want is already here, in the unified field of pure potential. Everything you need to fulfill your greatest desire is already part of your being. But it can’t come out until you align with it, let go of the obstructions to it, and raise your vibration to the level at which it already exists.
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- Author Derek Rydall
43. Don’t let past failures determine what your future success will be. Walt Disney went bankrupt — twice — before finally gaining lasting momentum. The Beatles were rejected from numerous record labels, as was Tom Petty. Thomas Edison failed at creating the light bulb ten thousand times before getting it right! If he used failure as an indicator of his true path, you might be reading this by candlelight.
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- Author Derek Rydall
The most effective intention is a desire for a conscious contact with your soul, a deeper connection to your Self. This is the most powerful purpose to intend every time you meditate, pray, or do any spiritual practice.
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