32 Quotes About Set

  • Author Rick Riordan
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    It was guarded by a few demons, but most of Set's forces were running towards our boat, screaming and throwing rocks (which tended to fall back down and hit them, but no one says demons are too bright)

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  • Author Nitya Prakash
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    When they tell you that they don't even think about you... That is the time you must call it off... Don't beg someone to be with you... Let them go and set yourself free...

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  • Author Kate Morton
  • Quote

    It was the Riverton drawing room. Even the wallpaper was the same. Silver Studios' burgundy Art Nouveau, "Flaming Tulips," as fresh as the day the paperers had come from London. A leather chesterfield sat at the center by the fireplace, draped with Indian silks just like the ones Hannah and Emmeline's grandfather, Lord Ashbury, had brought back from abroad when he was a young officer. The ship's clock stood where it always had, on the mantelpiece beside the Waterford candelabra.

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