89 Quotes About Shadow-and-bone

  • Author Leigh Bardugo
  • Quote

    I was happy,” I admitted. “In that moment, I was happy. I'm not like you, Mal. I never really fit in the way that you did. I never belonged anywhere.""You belonged with me," he said quietly."No, Mal. Not really. Not for a long time.

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  • Author Leigh Bardugo
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    Então se virou para mim, e dei um passo assustado para trás, porque vi, tão claro quanto se eu estivesse parada em sua borda: o abismo. Incessante, negro e fastidioso, o vazio interminável de uma vida vivida por tempo demais.

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  • Author Leigh Bardugo
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    Essa é sua verdadeira face, eu pensei conforme apertava os olhos na luz cegante. Os similares se atraem. Essa era sua alma transformada em carne, a verdade sobre ele deixada nua no sol brilhante, despida de mistério e sombra. Essa era a verdade por trás do seu rosto charmoso e de seus poderes milagrosos, a verdade que era o espaço vazio e morto entre as estrelas, o espaço árido preenchido de monstros amedrontados.

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  • Author Leigh Bardugo
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    Why shouldn't I be afraid of you?" I asked. "You're the Darkling. I'm not saying you would throw me in a ditch or ship me off to Tsibeya, but you certainly could. You can cut people in half. I think it's fair to be a little intimidated."He studied me for a long moment, and I wished fervently that I'd kept my mouth shut. But then that half smile flickered across his face. "You may have a point.

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  • Author Leigh Bardugo
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    So what do you think of it?" he asked.I glanced at him, then back at the elaborate facade. It was larger than any building I had ever seen, its terraces crowded with statues, its three stories gleaming with row after row of shining windows, each ornamented extensively in what I suspected was real gold."It's very...grand?" I said carefully.He looked at me, a little smile playing on his lips. "I think it's the ugliest building I've ever seen," he said, and nudged his horse forward.

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  • Author Leigh Bardugo
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    Do you ask your heart to beat or your lungs to breathe? Your power serves you because that is it's purpose, because it cannot help but serve you.

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