51 Quotes About Shiva

  • Author Lorin Roche
  • Quote

    The Bhairava Tantra is set as a conversation between the Goddess Who Is the Creative Power of the Universe and the God Who Is the Consciousness that Permeates Everywhere. For short, they call each other Devi and Bhairava, or Shakti and Shiva. They are lovers and inseparable partners, and one of their favorite places of dwelling is in the human heart.

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  • Author Shunya
  • Quote

    You dislike some things and want to remove them from the face of the Earth. This is Maya, the Karmic trap. But it turns into Leela, the Karmic play, if you are aware that there is a universal intelligence bigger than your intelligence. The universe has brought those things into existence and the same universe wants you to try and remove those things.

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  • Author Shunya
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    The journey to meet Shiva is difficult. You may have to wash dishes in roadside eateries, spend nights at railway stations, disappoint your parents and loved ones who are in grip of Maya. 1 in a million undertakes that journey. Others just become part of fan groups and get intoxicated on songs and substances.

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  • Author Kavitha Yaga Buggana
  • Quote

    Many have come to understand that while reality and truth are not always the same, they do not necessarily oppose or preclude one another. The myths of Shiva, the lake and the mountain, Buddhist stories and visualisations, the feeling of a mountain rising: none of these need be literal in order to be considered truthful. Such moments simply point to a truth as complex as the people who seek to understand them.

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