26 Quotes About Short-fiction


"From Time for College - Mr. Chiardi & Other Stories It was time for Junior to go to college. He’d sprouted pubic hair and was eyeing all the girls. “I want to go to college,” he said. “Yes,” I replied, “It’s time.” His mother, my wife, was resigned to the fact that it was time for Junior to leave the nest. She sat on a stool at the granite kitchen counter, spiked coffee beside her, reading The New York Times. She looked almost real."


"I was walking on the road. A man behind me suddenly told me my bag was open and I reacted to him, “Thank you” and closed my bag - A memorable day."


"You have to stop this. I don't want to lose you too. If you have to make a revolution, Make a small revolution."


"Couldn't help it, he insisted. My dad would bell me to draw a flower and it would turn into a Venus flytrap chewing on a hand."


"Short first pregnancies do not occasion criticism in our valley, for it is widely known that the good Lord often makes first pregnancies mercifully brief as His reward to the girl for having preserved her chastity until marriage. Subsequent pregnancies, however, usually run their full terms, which only makes sense, as the very fact that they are not first pregnancies means that the mother was not chaste at the moment of conception."


"What's your dad do? I said. Designs new and better wings for new and better sing nuts, he said proudly. It sounded like he was repeating something a sarcastic adult had said."


"What about your mum? She got taken away. Mine too, I said. There was nothing special about that. It happened all the time."


"The dictator’s black hand hadmade China a birdcage wrapped in red flags."--From "Balloons"
