25 Quotes About Short-poem

  • Author Ranjani Ramachandran
  • Quote

    Strolling around. Eyes met and I forgot. He didn't.Something deeper. Something stronger.Hands touched and I forgot. He didn't.He loved me.Slowly and gradually, he gave me all that he felt. But he didn't realise giving could mean giving it away. Gave all of it until it faded.They say energy in the universe remains constant.Now I love him. He doesn't.

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  • Author PSYHEEL
  • Quote

    The only unchanged by psyheeL :-It rains it dries the world rotateThey come and they go it's a common fateHuman love is a colored silk , it must fadeAnd even it's darkest of shade Misery and joy it's a constant change but Between sorrows and jollity something unchanged Nature, my love ; It remains the same.                                

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  • Author Martín González
  • Quote

    ¿Dónde estás, recóndita luna azulfulgor de mi lozanía,ojos de ultramar,níveo semblante?Buscando vislumbrarte por doquieren la interminable oscuridad de mis díasno ha más que la sombra de tu celeste trasiegoEs este tu errante andar,el extender de tus argentas manos,las mudas reverberaciones interioresel objeto de mi azogue

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