410 Quotes About Short-story
- Author Edgar Allan Poe
They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. -Eleonora
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- Author Sunny Houk
She lifted my head up with her woundless hands and smiled. Her smile could make the day last a lifetime. I wanted to kiss her. She placed her hand on my heart. I tried to pull her close to me but I knew my life was coming to an end. It would be meaningless. Why would anyone care for a monster that I am?
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- Author Andrew Lane
As much as we can trust anything,’ Crowe rumbled. ‘It’s the cab I took to get here. To be on the safe side, I waited for three to pass before I hailed it.
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- Author سالي حجازي
تجلس كل يوم بمفردها على نفس الطاولة ذات المقعدين ، ثم يأتي من يسألها عن المقعد الخالي فتتمنى لو جلس أحدهم وشاركها في الطاولة ..ولكنهم للأسف دائماً يأخذون المقعد الخالي ويرحلون!
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- Author Dino Buzzati
Vieron al anciano atravesar los raíles del tranvía; con pasos torpes, como si tropezara, encaminarse al parterre del centro de la plaza. Atravesó la primera hilera de coches detenidos y se adentró en la zona despejada. Súbitamente cayó de bruces, como si le hubieran dado un empujón. Pero, aparte de él, en la plaza no se veía un alma. Se oyó el impacto. Quedó tendido en el asfalto con los brazos extendidos y la cara contra el suelo. De lejos parecía una gigantesca cucaracha aplastada.
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- Author Louise Blackwick
Step, step, step, I fall and they lift me, slip-slop, slip-slop, through the watery mud. Each step is a heartbeat on my way to the grave, and the longest walk I will ever take. Plip, plip, I slip and they gather me. How strong are these savages, and how tight is their grip! Plip, plip, plip patters the rain, and I fall, and I call, and I stall for more time.But my time has run out.
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- Author Hannah Heath
Fear devours the soul. You don't have to let it consume yours.
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- Author Autumn Ruby
They say money can't make you happy, but it certainly has that effect on me.
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- Author Autumn Ruby
You know what your problem is, Miss Perfect? Your so busy trying to create this picture perfect fucking life that doesn’t exist. Your life is now, Aoife, stop waiting for something better to come along and appreciate what you already have.
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