170 Quotes About Shy

  • Author Lily Seabrooke
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    I knew I was being stupid, but I couldn’t help it. Once bitten, twice shy, and all that. I’d been bitten about a dozen times and had about two dozen shynesses left to work through because of it.

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  • Author Karl Wiggins
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    For a shy person it’s hard enough to overcome self-consciousness and establish personal relationships with others without having the additional hindrance of a well-meaning but misguided relative who only emphasises that person’s limitations

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  • Author David Foster Wallace
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    STREITFELD: "Scared" is a word that you often used to describe yourself. WALLACE: Writers tend to be shy, bookish people. We're always on the fringes of the party, resenting the attention paid to others. And then finally when attention is paid to you, it is great and yet part of it sucks you liver out. Deep down it was the thing you always felt would make everything OK, and then you get it, and find everything isn't OK, and you're still scared.

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