278 Quotes About Social-networking
"As a lifetime people pleaser, I remember trying to mold myself into the person I thought other people wanted me to be—all for the sake of being liked and accepted. It caused more pain than gain."
"Do you really want people to like you for something that you’re not? It takes a lot of energy to pretend to be someone else for the sake of pleasing others."
"A networking event is a farmer event, not a hunter event. You’re there to plant seeds and cultivate your garden, not bag prey."
"If I can reach further, it is by connecting with influential nodes"
"Says Ray Ozzie . . . “The system and the activities brought us together, but we maintained the social network in our minds, hearts, souls. Not in a friends list."
"The success of social media companies largely depends on our failure not to spend too much time on their platforms."
"Positive impressions have staying power, so make them great. You can transform your connections and your relationship results!"
"Every one of your first encounters begins with a “blank canvas” which provides you with unlimited opportunities to color your world in the ways you most desire."
"We are each a work in progress—special and unique. By learning and living the “Art of First Impressions,” you can design a masterpiece of which you can be proud."