278 Quotes About Social-networking


"You can increase your opportunities and improve your outcomes by making your opening moments with people more meaningful, memorable, and successful."


"Human resource directors and hiring managers tell me they usually know within the first thirty seconds of a job interview whether or not the person is even a viable candidate."


"Why is a first impression so important?” Because these brief seconds can be the make-or-break, live-or-die, or yes-or-no basis for building rapport, earning trust, winning friends, or making the sale."


"1. “Whether a first impression is made by way of a mere glance, a warm smile, a visit to your website, your poise and speech, or a formal introduction, it sets the stage for your relationships, personally and professionally."


"Regardless of the venue, there are skills you can learn and special qualities you can adopt which can help you optimize social encounters."


"What impresses you when you meet someone new? What is it about some people that makes you remember them for the rest of your life, even though your interaction lasted only a few moments?"


"Throughout your life, thousands of people will cross your path. Some you will remember fondly. Some you will remember negatively. Others will slip by unnoticed, perhaps because they were neutral, unengaged or, quite frankly, unimpressive."
