278 Quotes About Social-networking
"Okay, so I stopped posting status updates on Facebook a long time ago. I noticed that whenever someone posts something completely mundane and stupid, like 'Sushi 2nite!' seventeen people have to comment on that. 'I ♥ sushi!' and 'Spicy Tuna 4 meee!' But if you ever try to actually say something serious about your feelings or, like, your life, every one of your 386 "friends" is suddenly mute. So there you have it: My life is a post with no comments. Less interesting than spicy tuna."
"All social interactions require some loss of freedom."
"The social organization makes man dependent on one another."
"People have a habit, in the age of cameraphones and social networking, of being a bit too quick to turn all sorts of experiences into a ‘memory’."
"It's good netiquette to provide links in updates. Everyone does not know what you know. NetworkEtiquette.net"
"Just as hunters will mount the heads of the kills, white people need to let people know that they have made their way to hundreds or even thousands of books. After all, what's the point of reading a book if people don't know you've read it. It's like a tree falling in the forest."
"Facebook is the perfect place to try on different identities until she finds one that sticks."
"Television isn't any longer the only way to fame, all you need is the internet to break into the game"
"Damn it!” I rubbed my eyes. My head hurt from staring at the laptop screen the whole day. “I’ve got to put this down for a while.”“Yes, put it down. Social networking is for the anti-social, yes?,” Eat’em shut my laptop and stood on it as I slid it onto the cluttered coffee table. “Keystrokes are a sign of the solipsistic lonely sort. Self-imposed solitary confinement, yes! You can’t rip all them ones and twos from the screen, Jacob."