293 Quotes About Social-responsibility
- Author Ayu Welirang
Menjadi wartawan yang netral, berarti telah berkontribusi dalam memberikan manfaat untuk khalayak. Saat ada spiral kebisuan di antara mereka yang minoritas karena tertelan pendapat mayoritas, maka tugas wartawan untuk mengangkat fanomena itu. Wartawanlah yang membingkai suatu kondisi masyarakat yang tidak tersuarakan, menjadi lebih terdengar.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Your wait for the second coming is over, for the savior is already here, it's us, each one of us.
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- Author Sunday Adelaja
A new nation needs new people — people who take an active civil position and social responsibility
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- Author Milton Friedman
There is only one social responsibility of business
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- Author Jane Goodall
We, as humans, have actually developed a sense of social responsibility. We have gone beyond our basic instincts.
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