26 Quotes About Social-status
- Author Abhijit Naskar
Until the billionaire and the janitor become equal in your eyes, you are yet to be a civilized human.
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- Author William Faulkner
We had long thought of them as a tableau; Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a straddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the back-flung front door.
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- Author Stieg Larsson
As a girl, she was a legal prey, especially if she was dressed in a worn black leather jacket and had pierced eyebrows, tattoos, and zero social status.
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- Author Imogen Hermes Gowar
For class is a type of bubble, a membrane around one, and although one might grow within this membrane, and strain against it, it is impossible to break free from it. And a man of nobility is always such in his soul, however he may fall; and a man of humble sort is always such in his soul, however he may climb.
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- Author Edmund Morris
Except for the two years he had lived with cowboys in North Dakota,and being the employer of a dozen or so servants,Roosevelt had never had to suffer any prolonged intimacy with the working class.From infancy,he had enjoyed the perquisites of money and social position.The money,through his own mismanagement,had often run short,and he was by no means wealthy even now, but he had always taken exclusivity for granted.
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- Author Tomasz Węcki
W latach dziewięćdziesiątych zrąbane pokolenie zajęło wszystkie stołki i do tej pory w nie pierdzi. I pal sześć, że to wszystko niekompetentne pały. Ważne, że kutas to jaśnie pan dyrektor, albo jego wysokość prezes. Dłużej w takiej robocie mogą wytrzymać tylko obłudne kurwy i lizusy. Kontakt z nimi to jak codzienny gwałt na mózgu. Kurwa, naprawdę. nienawidzę, nienawidzę tego kraju.
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- Author Ricardo Arjona
Ones Turd smells the same be of Servant or Prince (English Translation)
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- Author Daniel Thorman
I was soon to discover just which group served as the bottom-most rung of the caravan’s social ladder.
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