697 Quotes About Social
- Author Patrick Jasper Lee
The world has a fast-growing problematic disability, which forges bonds in families, causes people to communicate in direct and clear ways, cuts down meaningless social interaction, pushes people to the limit with learning about themselves, whilst making them work together to make a better world. It’s called Autism – and I can’t see anything wrong with it, can you? Boy I’m glad I also have this disability!
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- Author Deyth Banger
Hey, why this person blocked me?", "WTF, this guy I know him!", "WTF this guy I don't know but he has send me request???", "Oh,oh That's the famous singer from the TV!! I know that person, I know him?!, I know him!?"... This is called the future - so my question is are you prepared for this?
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- Author ِAhmed Timor أحمد تيمور
هناك أشخاص لم تعرفهم الا عن طريق ال "" FACEBOOK ""منهم من أصبحو أعزاء على قلبك ,,منهم من يجعلك تعاني بسبب غيابهم و تتمنى رجعوهم ,,منهم من تكن له المشاعر وخوفك من فقدانه يجعلك تكتمها ,,منهم من تشكو له من دون أي تحفظات وتتعلم منه ال "سماح" ,,منهم بمجرد رؤية أسمه ,, يعطيك الأحساس بأرتياح كبير ,,منهم من يرسم أبتسامة على وجهك رغم أنك لم تراه من قبل ,,شكرآ كثيرآ .... "" FACEBOOK
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- Author J.R. Rim
A leader does not develop leadership by gaining more followers. Great leaders make more leaders.
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- Author Steven Magee
The insurance company will do everything it can to deny your eligible claim.
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- Author Steven Magee
Denying a disabled person their social security benefits is one of the meanest things a government can do to a human.
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- Author Deyth Banger
You want to understand are they needing you or not??Are they with you or not??Do they feel what you to make them better or not..Wow these are a lot of questions, I just don't know from where to start...Okay..., just stop doing that, stop being part of them, just remove them from social and non social live for a time... and keep waiting you could give some kind a information about where you will be or not and wait you will see everything.
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- Author Steven Magee
I was truly shocked at what I found when I researched why I could not get my government disability payments.
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- Author Robert C. Martin
Programming is a social activity.
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