697 Quotes About Social
- Author Deyth Banger
Pick up is not easy shit… you need constantly to expose yourself.
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- Author Janice Y.K. Lee
People have always expected me to be bad and thoughtless and shallow, and I do my best to accommodate their expectations. I sink to their expectations, one might say. I think its the ultimate suggestibility of most of us. We are social beings. We live in a social world with other people and so we wish to be as they see us, even if it is detrimental to ourselves.
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- Author Jason T. Rogers
Success largely depends on the relationships you build along the journey.
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- Author Olivia Laving
We aren't as solid as we once thought. We're embodied but we're also networks, expanding out into empty space, living on inside machines and in other people's heads, memories and data streams as well as flesh. We're being watched and we do not have control. We long for contact and it makes us afraid. But as long as we're still capable of feeling and expressing vulnerability, intimacy stands a chance.
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- Author Steven Magee
The social security system is broken and the government is completely okay with that.
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- Author محمد الشوابكة
تصل إلى درجة تُجبر عندها على إعادة التفكير بكل مُسلَمة من مُسلَماتك وبكل صورة ذهنيّة أو مشهد مرَرت به؛ حتى تتفادى تَوبيخ الحياة لك.
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- Author محمد الشوابكة
سَعيك في أن تَحيا لَحظة، أنبل مِن سَعيك بأن تَعيش دهراً.
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- Author Steven Magee
Getting a university degree wrecks your ability to get disability payments later in life.
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- Author Richie Norton
The way to be irreplaceable is to become a social innovator. Start projects that motivate you to save the world and simultaneously make you money (and create mindshare) for your company. Social innovation makes magic happen.
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