697 Quotes About Social
- Author إحسان عبد القدوس
لماذا إلتحق بالجامعة ؟لا لسبب إلا أن أولاد الناس يجب أن يلتحقوا بالجامعة ويجب أن يحملوا شهادة جامعية ؟ولكن لماذا يقلد أولاد الناس لماذا ينضم إلى القطيع ؟قطيع الشبان الذين يضيعون عمرهم في الجامعة دون أن يكون لهم هدف إلا وظيفة صغيرة أو مهنة لا تدر ربحا .. لماذا يخضع للتقاليد؟لماذا لا يسير في الطريق الذي يؤمن به ؟
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- Author Cory Doctorow
We’re not making a world without greed, Jacob. We’re making a world where greed is a perversion. Where grabbing everything for yourself instead of sharing is like smearing yourself with shit: gross. Wrong. Our winning doesn’t mean you don’t get to be greedy. It means people will be ashamed for you, will pity you and want to distance themselves from you. You can be as greedy as you want, but no one will admire you for it.
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- Author Nikolai Gogol
Seek ye not riches, seek but the society of good men.
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- Author Ari Berman
The unfortunate reality is that, even today, too many citizens have reason to fear that their right to vote, their access to the ballot--and their ability to have their votes counted--is under threat." --Eric Holder, quoted in Give Us the Ballot
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- Author Connor Franta
Not unlike a selfie on Instagram or a well-crafted tweet, the computer screen projects the image I choose to portray. We all do it. My life - the glimpse obtained through Youtube - is no more perfect than yours. I'm no different.
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- Author Connor Franta
The thought of friends or family enjoying themselves in my absence gives me the heebie-jeebies.
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- Author Connor Franta
My mom has since confirmed that my overeager go-to response - when I was going anywhere or had anything planned for me - was, "What's everyone else going to do?
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- Author Richelle Mead
You're the social one." - Lissa Dragomir
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- Author Justine Larbalestier
Wolves are social. They need their pack.
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