547 Quotes About Sociology
- Author B.R. Crichton
It seemed strange to Kellan that the more people were crowded together, the less they were willing to acknowledge it; their interaction became a thing of unwelcome necessity and their gaze turned ever inward.
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- Author Dr. Jean M. Twenge
Social change doesn’t happen overnight: It takes decades for momentum to build and for the once-radical edge to become mainstream.
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- Author Abdellah Hammoudi
أما التساؤلات التي تهيكل الكتابة وتنظم المواد فإنها تتلخص في هم كان ومازال يراودني منذ السبعينيات: كيف يمكن أن تواجه السلطة فكريا وعلميا؟ والمواجهة هنا تعني التحليل والتفسير علما أن ذلك الجهد هو أيضا جهد عملي قد يتبعه آخر يتجسد في تنظيمات تتكفل بالعمل على تفكيك قواعد التسلط الاجتماعية والثقافية ومناهضة آلياته واستبدالها بآليات تضمن الحرية والإبداع في مناخ متحرر" الصفحة 7
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- Author Shashi Tharoor
On election days, the burdens of poverty and corruption and of a creaky economic system are put aside, and India celebrates. Many voters dress especially for the occasion... None quite voice the thought, but those who came in a steady stream to vote seemed to be saying that India may have fallen far behind its neighbors in the struggle for prosperity, but as long as it can choose its governments, it can hope for better in the future.
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- Author Seth Godin
Rich is my word for someone who can afford to make choices, who has enough resources to do more than merely survive.
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- Author Lesslie Newbigin
The attempt to interpret human behavior in terms of models derived from the natural sciences eventually destroys personal responsibility.
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- Author Mark David Henderson
To recognize and comprehend what influences us and others is to function with purpose.
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- Author Mark Brightlife
...the only way out consists of using a social mask.This is why those under depression will smile more as well as make efforts to please and entertain compared to anyone else....If they could hide in public, and they do hide in other ways, both psychological and physical.The psychological feeling of being trapped comes afterwards from the need to have social life, and that's when the anti-social personality starts developing furthermore.
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- Author Steven Pressfield
To labor in the arts for any reason other than love is prostitution.
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