26 Quotes About Sophia
- Author Elizabeth Hoyt
He doesn’t like making others uncomfortable.”-Helen to Sophia about Alistair
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- Author Sol Luckman
May the Luminous Child awaken in you.
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- Author Laurence Galian
When Sophia became one with her Creation, this was more than a simple unification, she became the physical planet along with the very beings who inhabit it.
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- Author B.J. Novak
...the difference between love and everything else is that it's infinite, it's built out of something infinite, or it feels like it is, anyway, which is the same thing to us.
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- Author Caitlín Matthews
Wisdom is neither good nor bad, male nor female, Christian or pagan: she is no one's personal possession. The Goddess of Wisdom reaches down to the depths of our need. Her simple being is so vastly present that we have not noticed it. Indeed, we have not known the depths of our need nor that any assuaging wisdom was near at hand.
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- Author B.J. Novak
You think a million billion more things will come your way, a million billion more versions of everything. But no, everything that actually causes that infinite feeling, the circumstances of every infinite feeling, is so, so finite.
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- Author Michael Bible
Satan was seen buying a cafe au lait of Friday the thirteenth in the year of the dog. He was wearing a Mexican wrestling mask and a monocle on a gold chain the color of the sun. The lights of the casino filled his good eye. Our days are numbered, our weeks are fading away.
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- Author Laurence Galian
Planet Earth is a materialization of Sophia's body.
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- Author Laurence Galian
However, to the Gnostics, the Christos is an Aeon, dwelling in the Pleroma. The Christos is the syzygy (male Aeonic consort) of Sophia.
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