99 Quotes About Spain

  • Author Carlos Ruiz Zafón
  • Quote

    Nada alimenta el olvido como una guerra, Daniel. Todos callamos y se esfuerzan en convencernos de lo que hemos visto, lo que hemos hecho, lo que hemos aprendido de nosotros mismos y de los demás, es una ilusión, una pesadilla pasajera. Las guerras no tienen memoria y nadie se atreve a comprenderlas hasta que ya no quedan voces para contar lo que pasó, hasta que llega el momento en que no se las reconoce y regresan, con otra cara y otro nombre, a devorar lo que dejaron atrás.

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  • Author Elena Paolino
  • Quote

    Music is like a light spring breeze. You feel it all over your skin, it caresses your face, it inspires you to new achievements and charges you with new life. It is airy and practically illusory, but your soul sings at its first rush.as I called it".

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  • Author Sebastian Rotella
  • Quote

    Isabel, remember we used to talk about a honeymoon in Spain?""Of course.""It woulda been a blast. I took a walk last night. Two in the morning, it felt like two in the afternoon. Traffic. People on the street: families, old folks on benches. The bars and restaurants were full, everybody carrying on. Hard to believe there's an economic crisis.""Maybe they should shut up, get some sleep, and fix the mess.

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  • Author Washington Irving
  • Quote

    In the present day, when popular literature is running into the low levels of life, and luxuriating on the vices and follies of mankind; and when the universal pursuit of gain is trampling down the early growth of poetic feeling, and wearing out the verdure of the soul, I question whether it would not be of service for the reader occasionally to turn to these records of prouder times and loftier modes of thinking; and to steep himself to the very lips in old Spanish romance.

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