99 Quotes About Spain

  • Author Tània Balló
  • Quote

    Las Sinsombrero fueron muchas, cada una de ellas con una hazaña que les pertenece y que forma parte de una Historia que es de todos, a pesar de que durante años le dimos la espalda. Ellas fueron conscientes de que su lucha no iba a ser fácil. Finalmente, las circunstancias políticas y sociales no las acompañaraon en su sueño, pero aun así no se rindieron. Su mayor logro fue conseguir ser ellas mismas en medio de una sociedad que tardó en aceptar que debía mirarlas...

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  • Author Salman Rushdie
  • Quote

    I spoke no Spanish, so I was unable to haggle with the taxi-drivers. 'Benengeli,' I said, and the first cabbie shook his head and walked away, spitting copiously. The second named a number that had no meaning for me. I had come to a place where I did not know the names of things or the motives for men's deeds. The universe was absurd. I could not say 'dog', or 'where?', or 'I am a man'. Besides, my head was thick, like a soup.

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  • Author Nancy Rubin Stuart
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    The Moslem people had brought an extraordinarily rich mixture of knowledge, beauty, and bloodshed to the Iberian peninsula; in the process Spain had been permanently transformed.

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  • Author Francisco Franco
  • Quote

    Ahora se habla de democracia. Nosotros, los españoles, ya la hemos conocido. Y no nos dio resultado. Cuando otros van hacia la democracia, nosotros ya estamos de vuelta. Estamos dispuestos a sentarnos en la meta y esperar a que los otros regresen también.

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  • Author Mark Shearman
  • Quote

    A brisk wind spiralled down Camden street kicking up debris, causing Jerry Morgan to retreat further into the doorway of Larkins the Bookmaker. He covered the flame from his lighter with his chapped hand. Inhaled and coughed, a deep rasp, the sort of chesty wheeze that came from forty years of smoking his first drag at thirteen years old.

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