47 Quotes About Spider
"All it takes is one small voice to make a difference." ~Artum Keogh~"
"Like a spider in its web, a vibration anywhereis felt everywhere."
"Well one tiny poisonous spider can kill a very large man if it bites him in the right place."
"It feels great to know that whatever you need to achieve your dreams are in you. Whatever the spider needs to make a cobweb is not in the housefly. Look to yourself; you have what it takes to weave your success!"
"The greatest artist and web-designer ever is indeed a spider!"
"He is the Napoleon of crime, Watson. He is the organizer of half that is evil and of nearly all that is undetected in this great city, He is a genius, a philosopher, an abstract thinker. He has a brain of the first order. He sits motionless, like a spider in the center of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them. He does little himself. He only plans."
"Only the spider paid no mind when the unicorn called softly to her through the open door. Arachne was busy with a web which looked to her as though the Milky Way had begun to fall like snow. The unicorn whispered, 'Weaver, freedom is better, freedom is better,' but the spider fled unhearing up and down her iron loom."
"But how can you walk away from something and still come back to it?""Easy," said the cat. "Think of somebody walking around the world. You start out walking away from something and end up coming back to it.""Small world," said Coraline."It's big enough for her," said the cat. "Spider's webs only have to be large enough to catch flies."