47 Quotes About Spider


"Harry the spider! they want me to tap dance. I don't want to tap dance!"


"It's not sipping wine. It's a mourning wine. You drain it. Like this."


"He couldn't believe Jude's mute, macabre roommate had saved his life. He wondered if he'd have to get her a small taxidermied spider or something for her efforts."


"Pain shared, my brother, is pain not doubled but halved. No man is an island"


"There are three things, and three things only, that can lift the pain of mortality and ease the ravages of life. These are wine, women and song."


"The spiders, honeybees, yellow jackets, and mud daubers: these insects still speak - a language that is older than humans. The buffalo, elk, wolf, coyote -they still talk too. It's we, the people, who have forgotten how to listen. [Osage Spider Story, an Osage Legend, told by Archie Mason, Jr]"


"To horses, dogs and cats, to birds in cages, to pigs in sties, to sheep in folds, to cattle in stalls—to them all he sang his song and danced his dance! When he was eating out-of-doors he would pay court to the nearest toad or frog or blind-worm. When he was sucking an orange before going to bed, he would make overtures to a spider."


"Spiders are anti-social, keep pests under control, and mostly mind their own business, but they somehow summon fear in humans who are far more dangerous, deceitful and have hurt more people. Of the two I'm more suspicious about the latter."


"This must be what a fly felt like when it was caught fast in a spider's web."
