211 Quotes About Spy

  • Author Katharine McGee
  • Quote

    That evening, Samantha headed toward a nondescript door that was tucked into the downstairs hallway like an architect's afterthought. It might not look impressive, but this was the Door of Sighs, the royal family's private entrance to the grand ballroom: so named because generations of princesses had lingered there when they were too young to attend, and sighed romantically as they watched the dancing.

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  • Author Cece Whittaker
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    Startled by Sly’s sudden change of approach, the man turned toward Sly, and to his complete surprise, the gun went off. While the man’s attention was on Sly, Bobby reversed and shot out of the warehouse and back around to where Sly had come in. Sly was down. And there was blood everywhere.

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  • Author Cece Whittaker
  • Quote

    From a safe distance, the man sat watching, thinking what a bunch of fools! Is this how Americans live? Walking around blindly, bumbling into each other and falling down all the time? But he hadn’t noticed what the Professor had noticed or he wouldn’t have been thinking in such arrogant terms. Before the Professor righted himself, he had caught sight of a partially concealed, but plainly present M1942 Sosso Pistol, an Italian made handgun.

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  • Author Cece Whittaker
  • Quote

    When Father exited Helen’s house, he did not see the running figure of Annie, who, having heard of his need for an Italian speaking military man, was shattered at the thought of being without Sly at Christmas. Tears streaked down her face as she raced toward the comfort and security of home.

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  • Author Nagwa Malik
  • Quote

    But she couldn’t stop. The smell of her burning house still filled her nostrils even as the chilly breeze swept by her enticingly. The screams that rang out were deafening; flames shot up everywhere. The screams were prolonged and were she, a little child of ten, not so scared, they would have been very irritating for they were constant; they were horror filled, they spelt death and terror.

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  • Author Eric Ambler
  • Quote

    International big business has made revolutions before now to safeguard its interests. At one time it made them … in the name of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Now, with Socialism to fight, it makes them in the name of Law and Order and Sound Finance. Assassination? If an assassination is going to be good for business, then there will be an assassination.

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  • Author John le Carré
  • Quote

    Don't give it to them all at once, make them work for it. Confuse them with detail, leave things out, go back on your tracks. Be testy, be cussed, be difficult. Drink like a fish; don't give way on the ideology, they won't trust that. They want to deal with a man they've bought; they want the clash of opposites, Alec, not some half-cock convert.

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