50 Quotes About Start-up
"You need to have faith in yourself. Be brave and take risks. You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward."
"Jean-Baptiste Say may have coined the term 'entrepreneur' but he totally missed the opportunity to put it on a t-shirt and sell it."
"Being the first to start or leave does not necessarily mean that you will be the first to finish or arrive. Or that you will finish or arrive."
"Building something that matters is a marathon, not a sprint."
"Sell the results, not the nuts and bolts."
"S.T.O.P. = Start To Open Possibilities"
"QUIT = Quickly Uphold Important Things"
"The best entrepreneurs are not the best visionaries. The greatest entrepreneurs are incredible salespeople. They know how to tell an amazing story that will convince talent and investors to join in on the journey."
"Learning to embrace and savor rejection is one of the best things that entrepreneurs can do. Launching a startup is the time to find your ever-optimistic inner child again."