274 Quotes About Statism
- Author Lysander Spooner
The only idea they have ever manifested as to what is a government of consent, is this--that it is one to which everybody must consent, or be shot.
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- Author Stefan Molyneux
History is the same story with different costumes.
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- Author Stefan Molyneux
Tribalism is an addiction that is driven by false beliefs that need to be reflected back to be perceived as true.
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- Author Ayn Rand
When men reject reason, they have no means left for dealing with one another — except brute, physical force.
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- Author Angelo Codevilla
The point of Political Correctness is not and has never been merely about any of the items that it imposes, but about the imposition itself. (The Rise of Political Correctness)
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- Author Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
The best way to turn the earth into hell is to turn the state into a god.
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- Author Ayn Rand
There is no difference between the principles, policies and practical results of socialism—and those of any historical or prehistorical tyranny. Socialism is merely democratic absolute monarchy—that is, a system of absolutism without a fixed head, open to seizure of power by all corners, by any ruthless climber, opportunist, adventurer, demagogue or thug.
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- Author Jeffrey Tucker
People and institutions that refuse to admit error eventually discredit themselves.
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- Author Sheldon Richman
By portraying war as an opportunity for virtuous acts, the politicians romanticize evil.
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