189 Quotes About Steampunk

  • Author Bec McMaster
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    I am tempted to incapacitate him with the hemlock and then castrate him.”Lena paled. “I don’t think that would be very wise,” she said. “And the only knife we own is what I use for the cooking. You’re not using that.”“I was planning on using a spoon,” Honoria replied.

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  • Author Ash Gray
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    Rigg shrugged. “I know it makes you feel better, but I think it’s arrogant to believe in anything anyway.”“Is that so?”“Yeah,” Rigg said, frowning at the clouds. “No one can really know what’s out there. People are too small in the grand scheme of things. Saying we know and understand the gods is like a bug saying they know and understand our airships. They don’t and they can’t.”Hari smiled. “Fair enough.

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  • Author Letizia Loi
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    Ci scrutammo in silenzio per un lungo minuto, abituandoci di nuovo alla presenza dell’altro, all’essere ancora entrambi vivi, in salvo, al sicuro nella civilizzata Londra. La pioggia che batteva sui vetri e il cla-clam-cla-clam dei pistoni della Pneumopolitana divennero solo un rumore bianco in sottofondo.

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  • Author Letizia Loi
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    «Hai presente come ci chiamano… invertiti. Come se indossassimo la giacca con la fodera all’esterno, o come se tutti gli altri nuotassero da una parte e noi fossimo sulla riva sbagliata del fiume. Per tutta la vita mi sono sentito a quel modo: sottosopra. Così pensai che per una volta avrei potuto lasciarmi trascinare dalla corrente» concluse, poi tacque per lungo tempo.

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