60 Quotes About Steamy-romance

  • Author Kristen Casey
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    …Jake caught the briefest glimpse of a demure set of pale pink lingerie, and then Molly was airborne—jumping feet-first into the deep end. She swam underwater like a mermaid, finally coming up for air near the center of the pool. Her hair was slicked back on her skull, shining and as dark as melted chocolate and Jake was frozen to the spot by So. Much. Molly. All on display for him. God—she was really, really wet. ~"Finding a Husband" by Kristen Casey

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  • Author Kristen Casey
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    Packing some heat there, aren’t you Officer?” Jake looked down and yanked on the hem of his blazer. “Don’t you worry about that, miss,” he chuckled. “That’s for later.” He pecked her on the cheek and steered her toward the door.“We have got to stop meeting like this,” Molly grumbled, irritated by his nonchalance. Her legs felt like jelly and she tottered on her heels, making her even more annoyed. Jake steadied her—of course he did. “Really?” he asked, the soul of civility. “I disagree.”

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