174 Quotes About Streets


"The grey of a bitter, starved-looking morning. The town like a mortally wounded creature, torn by shells, gashed open by bombs. Dead streets - streets of death - death in streets and their houses; yet people still able to sleep and still sleeping."


"Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them."


"A cat came out of an alley, took a look at all the snow, and went back in. Farther on up the street a fat man, aproned and puffing, emerged from a restaurant and whiffed the cold air and gazed yearningly at the sky. As though even the dreams were up there, much too far away."


"Streets that follow like a tedious argumentOf insidious intentTo lead you to an overwhelming question..."


"Once you live in the street, there's nothing but the street."


"La rue est une musée pour tous!"


"Crack, crack—crack, crack—crack, crack—so this is Paris! quoth I (continuing in the same mood)—and this is Paris!—humph!—Paris! cried I, repeating the name the third time— The first, the finest, the most brilliant— —The streets however are nasty; But it looks, I suppose, better than it smells—crack, crack—crack, crack—"


"Most of the streets in Buchanwick were paved, but none followed the straight lines most soft-foot towns insisted on toeing.White Hawk didn’t like straight lines. He said rivers didn’t run straight, so why should streets? He said a meandering street made you wonder what waited around the next bend. And so, the streets of Buchanwick meandered."


"We have to allow ourselves to be loved by the people who really love us, the people who really matter. Too much of the time, we are blinded by our own pursuits of people to love us, people that don't even matter, while all that time we waste and the people who do love us have to stand on the sidewalk and watch us beg on the streets!"
