40 Quotes About Struggles-in-life
- Author David Jetre
If there are stripes laid on me by Providence, they have become bonds, not that they bind me, but they bind me together: both to myself and to Providence by whose hand they came. And of that togetherness, I do not wish ever to escape. Where you see shackles I see sinews. And what you thought had scarred me had in truth all the better sealed me. These wounds I shall not cast off for they are the many stripes of my rank.
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- Author Poorvajaa Pooja Sharma
The struggle is part of life to progress. More than physical, the mental struggle is required for my stronger tomorrow.This Struggle should be enough to keep me burning, enlighten my dark corners but definitely, it’s foolish to continue if it is burning me out.Further scenarios change and I should revisit the holiness of my intention. It is wise to immediately make a U-turn and stop efforts if I realize the intention is not justified.
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- Author Robert Kanigel
He received no guidance, no stimulation, no money beyond the few rupees he made from tutoring. But for all the economic deadweight he represented, his family apparently discouraged him little- not enough, in any case, to stop him.
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- Author Kara Timmins
There is no need to work so hard. It's one of those things in life: the more you fight for it, the harder it will be.
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