248 Quotes About Submission


"The Submission Of a Meek And Timid Woman Isn’t That Much Of a Prize. But The Submission Of a Strong Woman? Now That’s a Gift. Something To Be Treasured."


"Obedience appears to me more and more the whole business of life, the only road to love and peace."


"During their conversations, the subject of Domination and submission had came up a few times, and he always seemed to know more about the subject than an average person. She suspected he had a dominant side she had yet to fully experience, and decided it may be enjoyable for both of them if she let him know she was willing to embrace this side of him."


"After living for a month in his home, her character had been infected with the virus of submission to his will, which terrified everyone in the house."


"My submission didn’t make me weak, just as David’s domination didn’t make him a bully; far from it. Outside of the bedroom, David was the kindest man I knew."


"[J]e t'ai dressée à te soumettre, de même qu'une fleur subit le soleil et la pluie."


"A man who is not in his proper place of reverence for and submission to God cannot be wise."


"Son égale ! Mais comment ? Ne suis-je pas sa femme ? Quel autre que lui pourrait me diriger ? N'est-il pas mon maître par la loi ?"


"Nothing appears more surprizing to those, who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye, than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few; and the implicit submission, with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers."
