193 Quotes About Sufi-wisdom
- Author Kabir Edmund Helminski
The Sufi's book is not of ink and letters;it is nothing but a heart white as snow. Rumi, Mathnawi II: 159
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- Author Idries Shah
Deteriorated science is a cult, so is imitative or deteriorated Sufism.
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- Author Kabir Helminski
In our Tradition, we use the body to experience the presence of God. We can teach the body what it feels like to surrender to the Divine as our forehead touches the ground during prayer. This is something the body needs to tangibly experience. (p. 6)
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- Author Hazrat Inayat Khan
Out of the shell of the broken heart emerges the newborn soul.
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- Author Attar of Nishapur (trans. Sholeh Wolpé)
When the ocean tosses and breaks,how can patterns that shimmeron the surface endure?Both worlds are reflected inthose patterns dancing on the sea.Deny it and you’re a misguided dreamer.
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- Author Hazrat Inayat Khan
When the healer thinks he is healing, his power is as small as a drop; when he thinks God is healing, and when owing to this thought his own self is forgotten and he is only conscious of the Self of God, then his power becomes as large as the ocean. (Inayat Khan's advice to healers)
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- Author William C. Chittick
Whoever enters the Way without a guide will take a hundred years to travel a two-day journey. . . . – Rumi (p. 123)
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- Author William C. Chittick
The Sufi‘s book is not composed of ink and letters: It is naught but a heart white as snow. The scholar‘s provisions are the marks of the pen. What are the Sufi‘s provisions? The footprints of the saints. – Rumi (p. 131)
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- Author Soroosh Shahrivar
Come with meJust let's let our words rest Time for you toJoin God’s shibboleth Take a deep breath And you will see The truth inside Sufi rhapsody The truth inside Dancing blissfully The truth insideA gift from the Almighty The truth insideYour spirit is heavenly Heed my words dear one Signing off Mowlavi
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