927 Quotes About Sufism
- Author Idries Shah
Anybody or anything may stand between you and knowledge if you are unfit for it.
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- Author أبي الحسن الشاذلي
التصوف هو تدريب النفس على العبودية، وردها لأحكام الربوبية.
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- Author Idries Shah
But one may say something and yet not be able to do it. Try, for instance, lifting yourself up by the bootstraps.
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- Author Idries Shah
Self-mortification, far from producing liberation from material things, is far more likely to cause either an unhinged mind, delusions or a masochistic taste for more suffering, experienced, of course, as joy.
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- Author محمد الغزالي
والمحزن أن هناك إنفصالا في علومنا الدينية بين الفقة والتصوف ، مما جعل المتصوفين يجنحون أحيانا إلى الجنون ، وجعل الفقهاء أحيانا يمثلون القانون العاتي الأصم
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- Author Idries Shah
Sufism, the "secret tradition," is not available on the basis of assumptions which belong to another world, the world of intellect.
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- Author Idries Shah
Dramatic. A well developed sense of the dramatic has values beyond what people usually imagine. One of these is to realise the limitations of a sense of the dramatic.
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- Author Idries Shah
Scholars of the East and West have heroically consecrated their whole working lives to making available, by means of their own disciplines, Sufi literary and philosophical material to the world at large. In many cases they have faithfully recorded the Sufis' own reiteration that the Way of the Sufis cannot be understood by means of the intellect or by ordinary book learning.
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- Author Shamcher Bryn Beorse
Politics is the application of Sufism to earthlife...To refuse to act politically is to starve your children, destroy civilization.
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