127 Quotes About Suicidal-thoughts


"I can't stand it any longer. If only I could will myself dead."


"I danced in the flames and pranced on the shames of those whose names I could not reveal. I have been told, exhaustingly by a genus of psychiatry, that to forget allegedly means to heal but if only such a thought became real. To die when compared to living has, at times, seemed like the lesser evil."


"Those in earthly purgatory, each day, have been engaging a death God for years..."


"wE'rE aLL DePrEsSeD aNd sUiCiDaL, wE'rE jUsT aLL iNdENiAL"


"... Now I'll close my eyes with all my strengthand fly away singing my baby girl's favorite song."


"When you know you are going down and dying slowly and taken your whole family with you; that is what really scares me..."


"He looked at her with tears in his eyes then uttered. " I really want to tell you to live for me. I really want to be you to the reason you wake up in the morning but that's selfish. I just hope one day you'll see why I want you to live and eventually you'll want to live for yourself"."


"After each dream, Frankie woke with a start, soaked in tears. But she found no relief in the peaceful silence of her room, because there everything was real. And the guilt was too immense to bear. Each time she opened her eyes, she'd quickly shut them. And wish that she had woken up for the very last time."
