127 Quotes About Suicidal-thoughts


"You pen down your name on the list of murderers when you murder yourself. Others stand a chance to see God on repentance but you have none, just HELL. Think before you act!"


"Sometimes the first insanity is the worst insanity. Sometimes it's the only one. Sometimes that's good news. Sometimes it's bad news."


"So, for those experiencing suicidal thoughts, there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about, be ashamed of, or feel guilty about. Please reach out. Getting help does not make you a coward, low-life, attention-seeking, inferior, weak, unworthy, or any other derogatory terms people may spew at you. Being courageous enough to seek help takes superhuman strength. You deserve to feel better."


"you wake up wondering if you want to move or not, you probably don't and when someone asks you " are you ok?" you just walk off wanting to die any second but you don't so the pain just gets worse and worse."


"Smile, I do as I march an inch further towardsmy funeral. My broken skeleton calls for itstomb beneath Coventry cathedral, where I canhear the tunes of saintly people."


"Suicide does not end it all as we all think but it's the beginning of another phase which is determined by how we spent this phase and killing yourself puts you in a very bad position, eternally."


"There are days worth living still, worth the pain of this life and the pain of their deaths.I guess I'm just asking you a favor, in the end: Don't give up before the future comes around that was meant for you, okay?"


"How many times had I let myself connect with someone only to have it thrownback in my face?Everything seemed good, but I knew it had the potential to be awful. Much,much more painful than the others."


"So ask me if I am alright.'I’m fine; I’m always fine.'You see this look in my eyes.'No, I’m fine. I am always fine.'There is a corpse behind my smile.'Listen, I am fine. Always, always fine as fine can be.''Are you okay?''I am more than okay. I am more than fine. I am wonderful!"
