57 Quotes About Superpowers


"Workout Regimen to build a tough skin: Warm up on the “I’m doing ME” treadmill. Build resistance on “You must be mistaking me for someone who cares about your opinion” elliptical. Get your heart rate up with a “The more you try to hurt me, the stronger I become” spin class. End with “If God is with me, nothing can stand against me” cool down. The stronger YOU are, the weaker THEY are."


"Ladies, just accept it. Men & women are wired differently. They don't think like us or understand why we feel the way we do and are perplexed by a lot of what we say, and baffled by our actions. But they don't have to always "get you" to love you. What's important is that he's a good boyfriend, husband, father. If *that's* missing, the fact he won't watch "Real Housewives of ATL" with you is the least of your worries."


"Virus that doesn’t belong to your body, and people that aren’t meant for you create diseases and problems in life. To counter them, you bring a solution. If the problem doesn’t belong to you, the solution doesn’t belong to you either. So solution is another problem in disguise. If you enjoy the process of finding solutions, it’s OK. But if you really want to eradicate a problem, you must eradicate it from the root so that even the memory of the problem doesn’t stay with you."


"There’s nothing wrong with you at all. Sometimes people say or do things that are mean because there's something the matter with them. With Lydia, it seems there’s always something wrong with her."


"Patches don’t look it, but when attached to your soul they can get pretty heavy. They go over the holes in your soul, like when you patch a sock. When you have a hole in your soul, it’s because you’re hurting from something. I don’t know if you noticed, but that girl had a lot of holes."


"The shadow self is what lies beneath the makeup. It’s those ugly parts that you haven’t accepted about yourself. You hide those parts in the shadows until you’re ready.” Her face remained a haunting calm. “When you realize the scars are who you are, that there was nothing wrong with you and that you were beautiful all along - that’s when you decide to take the makeup off."
