49 Quotes About Surprising
- Author Christina Lauren
She was such a surprising mix of gentle and brash, of focused and flighty. It was almost as if I could see the little girl in her battling with the responsible woman, figuring out which would lead the way.
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- Author Jessica Valenti
If you want what’s best for your kids, one surefire way to provide them with a healthy, happy home is to make sure they have lesbian parents. In the longest-running study of lesbian families to date,2 zero percent of children reported physical or sexual abuse—not a one. In the general population, 26 percent of children report physical abuse and 8.3 percent report sexual abuse.
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- Author Dahl Edwardson
Without knowing he was going to do it, Sonny smiled right at the general and said in a loud, firm voice, "It's okay. He's my brother, sir.
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- Author أنيس منصور
لا توجد قواعد للحب أو حتى للزواج : فهو مثل البرق و الرعد و مثل ضربة الشمس و مثل إنهيار العمارات و تفجر البترول : مفاجأة !!
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- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
Sometimes the world sits at a corner and waits for you to fail! Surprise the world!
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- Author Casey Sean Harmon
Clovensport, half German shepherd, half who-knows-what, was standing on hind legs before them.
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- Author James Dashner
-Yo me acuerdo que recordaba -murmuro. Emitió un largo suspiro mientras se sentaba, encogía las piernas y ponía los brazos alrededor de ellas-. Sentimientos. Emociones. Como si tuviera en mi cabeza estantes con etiquetas para los recuerdos y las caras, pero vacíos. Como si todo lo anterior a esto se encontrara del otro lado de una cortina blanca. También tu.
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- Author Dmitri Alperovitch
This is a very surprising turn of events.
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- Author Mark Anderson
It would be surprising if they weren't into this.
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