226 Quotes About Survivors

  • Author Beverly Engel
  • Quote

    Many neglected and abused children grow up to be adults who are afraid to take risks of striking out on their own. Many will remain dependent on their abusive parents and unable to separate from them. Others leave their abusive parents only to attach themselves to a partner who is controlling.

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  • Author Leigh Bardugo
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    None of this had been fated; none of it foretold. There had been no prophecies of a demon king or a dragon queen, a one-eyed Tailor, Heartrender twins. They were just the people who had shown up and managed to survive.But maybe that was the trick of it: to survive, to dare to stay alive, to forge your own hope when all hope had run out.For the survivors then, Zoya whispered to herself as the people before her knelt and chanted her name. And for the lost.

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  • Author Dot Hutchison
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    You seem to have this strange image of me as a lost child, like I've just been thrown on the side of the road like garbage or roadkill. But kids like me, we're not lost; we may be the only ones who never are.

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  • Author Elisabeth Corey
  • Quote

    We don’t widely accept the idea that bad things happen for uncontrollable reasons because of fear. How could that be? If that is true, we can’t make sense of it with our cognitive brains. And that is scary. If that is true, there is no way for us to control those things while in human form. And that is scary. So we search for meaning, a less scary understanding. And we usually end up assuming the victim is to blame.

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