143 Quotes About Symbols

  • Author Marie Cachet
  • Quote

    If we look at our traditional tales, where the action before the final success always occurs three times: the last of the three times is always a little longer because it includes success: life is somehow the famous 0.142592653589793 after three....These stories are a kind of mythical Pi, that we finally 'mathematified', quantified by numbers. That's why the number Pi was and is so important. It explains the inexplicable, life, eternity, infinity, and at the same time the cycle of rebirth.

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  • Author Titus Burckhardt
  • Quote

    In reality, the apparent 'objectivity' of modern architecture is merely a mysticism in reverse, a congealed sentimentality disguised as objectivity; moreover one has seen often enough just how quickly this attitude is converted, in its protagonists, into the most changeable and arbitrary of subjectivisms.

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  • Author Theodor Kallifatides
  • Quote

    Opinions are not only actions but often lethal weapons. In all known wars, the opposing sides attack each other’s beliefs and symbols ... The standard that should carry the greatest importance for both the state and the individual is the equal value of all human beings. Every other principle should stem from this.

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  • Author Lemony Snicket
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    Instead of the word 'love' there was an enormous heart, a symbol sometimes used by people who have trouble figuring out the difference between words and shapes.

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  • Author Neil Gaiman
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    Gods are great," said Atsula, slowly, as if she were comprehending a great secret. "But the heart is greater. For it is from our hearts they come, and to our hearts they shall return...

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  • Author Gwendolyn Taunton
  • Quote

    Languages, symbols and universals do not change, they cannot by virtue of what they – thus, with the passing of the Ages, Tradition does not change, but the form in which it decides to manifest does – thus some religions succeed whilst others fail and become extinct. Tradition itself can never cease to exist, but the religions which are its voice perish with the rise and fall of civilizations

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