658 Quotes About Sympathy

  • Author Olivia Sudjic
  • Quote

    I also found it hard to accept the Mizuko I'd known in multiple miniatures was one physical person. I suppose it would feel the same waking up in bed with Jesus or Father Christmas, or any long-dead figurehead of an ancient cult. You know every word of every doctrine off by heart and then you see their toenails, gums, and vertebrae, not in pieces but all held together, and it's hard not to lose your shit.

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  • Author Leonid Andreyev
  • Quote

    The truth of life stands aghast in silence, and its brazen falsehood is loudly shouting, uttering pressing, painful questions: “With whom shall I sympathize? Whom shall I trust? Whom shall I love?

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  • Author Ehsan Sehgal
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    I feel great sympathy for two persons, one who makes a person fool and another person who becomes the fool. They both have no sense and are sick, should be treated.

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  • Author Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Quote

    Go, Annie," murmured he; "I have deceived myself, and must suffer for it. I yearned for sympathy, and thought, and fancied, and dreamed that you might give it me; but you lack the talisman, Annie, that should admit you into my secrets.

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  • Author Odille Remmert
  • Quote

    The Difference Between Sympathy, Empathy and Compassion:If someone was stuck in a quagmire:Sympathy would be: sitting on the side, feeling sorry for them.Empathy would be: getting into the quagmire with them, and trying to find a way out for both of you.Compassion would be: keeping your own feet on solid ground and staying in a state of love while you reach out a hand or branch to help them to get out.

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  • Author Catherine Aird
  • Quote

    Really,’ she exclaimed, stumping into the kitchen and plonking herself down on the nearest chair, ‘this place is getting worse than Nightmare Abbey. Whatever next?’A grammatical purist might have wondered why Miss Bentley hadn't said ‘whoever’ rather than ‘whatever’ but the former headteacher belonged to the Superintendent Leeyes school of taking bad news as a personal affront rather than as an occasion for sympathy for the victim.

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