38 Quotes About Systems-thinking


"We have minds that are equipped for certainty, linearity and short-term decisions, that must instead make long-term decisions in a non-linear, probabilistic world."


"Work takes a long time to complete because it sits in queues waiting for stuff to happen. It's not unusual for wait times to be more than 80% of the total time. Many organizations are blind to the queue problem. They tend to focus on resource efficiency instead of applying systems thinking to improve the efficiency of the whole system, end to end."


"Design is the first signal of human intention. When we look at plastics in our environment, if it's our intention to do these things then we must question our intentions. If it's not our intention, then what's our plan? The question becomes how we can behave in a way that works."


"The art of questioning is to ignite innovative thinking; the science of questioning is to frame system thinking, with the progressive pursuit of better solutions."


"A systemic approach to the knowledge collected will help decision makers to construct resilient and proactive measures across these pathways:Prominent partnerships of cooperation and interconnectedness as a new business model are needed to make the existing model of competition between companies obsolete.Heal the broken links in cyber-security by creating cyber-resilient supply and value chains.Leader-shift your business from the culture of fear and uncertainty to the business of trust."


"if we agree that in the future, every organization is essentially a digital organization—enabled through digital technologies, engaging customers on digital platforms and using online applications to drive sales, engagement or compliance—then it isn’t just the seamlessness of outcomes, but equally the methodology employed to deliver those outcomes which must be consistent across a large organization"


"Systems Thinking is a mixed bag of holistic, balanced and often abstract thinking to understand things profoundly and solve problems systematically."


"It’s only gotten to the point where it’s easier for us to imagine the destruction of the world than the changing of our economic system"


"You have to dig through the mindset level to diagnose the root causes of problems, and you need to leverage Systems Thinking in framing problems as well."
